The food you eat daily can affect your overall health. If you plan to take care of your health properly, you can consume dry coconut for daily nutritional intake. Dry coconut benefits are not only for health but also for beauty care. Dry coconut or copra is rich in B vitamins, fiber, and also fats.
If you are curious about the benefits of copra for both health and beauty care, make sure to read this article!
What is Dry Coconut or Copra?
Copra is usually made from mature coconuts. The coconut was usually peeled from the fibers and hard shell, then dried in the hot sun. The coconut milk that is still in the flesh will dry out and the texture of the coconut flesh will harden.
Fully dried matured coconuts have low moisture and high coconut oil content. So in this case, desiccated coconut is a better and cleaner choice for dry coconut. It can be easily consumed because it’s already shredded.
You can add desiccated coconut to porridge, muesli, cereals, and oats. Furthermore, you can also use it as a topping for biscuits, muffins, or various other cakes.
Dry Coconut Nutrition Facts
The following is the nutritional content of dry coconut per 100 gr. Please take a look so you can take advantage of coconut nutrition for optimal health.
1. Calories
Dry coconut benefits provide a calorie intake of 354 per 100 grams. The calories consist of 15.23g carbohydrates, 9g fiber, 3.3g protein, 0.37g polyunsaturated fat, 6.23g sugar, 1.43gm monounsaturated fat, and 29.7d saturated fat. In addition, you can use this decent calorie content for a healthy diet.
2. Vitamins
Even though it has dried up, the vitamin content in coconut remains a lot. Some of the vitamins contained in desiccated coconut include 4% vitamin C 3.3 mg, 6% vitamin B 0.0.66 mg, 7% folate B9 26µg, 2% riboflavin B2 0.02 mg, 4% vitamin B6 0, 054 mg, 4% niacin B3 0.54 mg, and 6% pantothenic acid B5 0.300 mg.
3. Minerals
Dried coconut also has some mineral content that the body needs. The following is the mineral content in every 100 grams of desiccated coconut: 12% zinc 1.1 mg, 1% calcium 14mg, 8% potassium 356 mg, 9% magnesium 32 mg, and 16% phosphorus 113 mg.
The highest content percentage of dry coconut is phosphorus and zinc, that usually used to prevent osteoporosis problems.
Related Article: Different of Desiccated Coconut Type, High-Fat vs Low Fat
10 Benefits of Coconut for Health and Beauty
Coconut also has so many benefits for health and beauty. Here are some key benefits of desiccated coconut both for health and for beauty.
1. Improve Brain Function
Strict diets can cause a decrease in brain function because the brain’s nutritional needs are not properly met. To ensure your brain works optimally even while on a diet, always add shredded dried coconut to your daily menu. The nutritional content in dried coconut effectively improves brain function and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.
2. Boost the Immune System
Do you get sick easily? If yes, it means you have a weak immune system. Boost the immune system by consuming dry coconut regularly. The content of selenium in dried coconut effectively increases selenoproteins which can fight disease.
3. Healthy Heart
Fiber and good fat in coconut are the nutrients needed to maintain heart health. Adding desiccated coconut will make your heart healthier and avoid various risks of other cardiovascular diseases.
4. Prevents Infertility in Men
An unhealthy lifestyle can cause infertility in men. However, you can prevent this infertility by consuming desiccated coconut. It is because selenium in desiccated coconut can boost the immune system and also prevent infertility in men.
5. Lowers Cancer Risk
The next dry coconut benefit is reducing the risk of cancer. The oil contained in coconut flesh is high in antioxidants which are effective against cancer cells. Prostate cancer and colon cancer are types of cancer that can be prevented by consuming desiccated coconut.
Related Article: How to Make Macaroons with Desiccated Coconut?
6. Overcoming Digestive Problems
Digestion also plays a significant role in producing a strong immune system. Consuming desiccated coconut on a daily basis can maintain digestion and avoid various digestive problems.
7. Moisturizing skin
Eating coconut has great benefits for skin because it can help the skin to moist up and reduce wrinkles easily. The content of coconut oil and dried coconut is also high in vitamins and antioxidants which effectively maintain skin moisture and elasticity.
8. Soothes Sunburn
Even though you have applied sunscreen on your face, sometimes the skin can still get sunburned, causing pain and discomfort. Coconut oil can be used to soothe inflamed skin.
9. Coping with Dandruff
Dandruff not only makes the scalp itchy and uncomfortable but can also reduce self-confidence. You can overcome this by applying coconut oil to the scalp.
10. Removes Eye Makeup
The natural nutritional content of coconut oil can nourish the skin properly. In addition, you can also use it to remove eye makeup. Coconut oil can even be used to remove makeup.
Where Can I Find Coconut Product Suppliers?
Are you searching for coconut products suppliers? While you can actually make your own desiccated coconut, you might want to consider buying coconut products from Indonesia, the largest coconut-producing country known for its high-quality products. Discover how to buy coconut products from Indonesia!
What is dry coconut?
Dry coconut is a fully matured coconut that has been peeled and dried.
What are the benefits of dried coconut?
- Improve brain function
- Boost the immune system
- Healthy heart
- Prevents infertility in men
- Lowers cancer risk
- Overcoming digestive problems
- Moisturizing skin
- Soothes sunburn
- Coping with dandruff
- Removes eye makeup
Is dry coconut better than fresh coconut?
The nutrient content in dry coconut is denser than in fresh coconut due to a lack of moisture.
What is the disadvantage of dry coconut?
Dried coconut will lose its good benefits if you consume it excessively because it can lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes type 2.
What are the best-desiccated coconut product recommendations?
Sari Coconut is one of the best choices because it is made from high-quality coconuts.