7+ Coconut Products Exported from Indonesia Supplier

Facts About Indonesian Coconut Products Exported by Sari Coconut

Coconut trees, also known as the trees of life, are plants that from all their parts can be used to improve human welfare. The demand for coconut-based products is currently increasing. As a result, many companies from coconut-producing countries have developed processed coconut products downstream, including us – Sari Coconut Indonesia.

To meet the market’s high demand for processed coconut products, we, Sari Coconut Indonesia, are here as one of the experienced producers and exporters providing various types of coconut processed products to all corners of the world. Here are the facts of Indonesian coconut products exported by Sari Coconut.

1. Coconut Sugar

Snippet Banner Organic Coconut Sugar

Organic Coconut Sugar

  • Lower glycemic index than regular sugar.
  • Contains vital minerals.
  • Providing a more nutrient-dense option than traditional sugars.

Coconut sugar is sugar made from dehydrated and boiled coconut juice. Almost everyone in the world believes that the low Glycemic Index content in coconut sugar can slow the increase in a person’s blood sugar level, which means it can reduce diabetes. The consumption of coconut sugar is also very broad, like the type of sugar in general, which is used to change the taste to sweetness in food or drinks.

Related Article: Coconut Sugar vs. Cane Sugar: Healthier Choice?

2. Coconut Briquettes

Shisha Coconut Charcoal Briquette

  • 100% natural coconut charcoal shell.
  • We use tapioca flour for the mixture. So, the output of our product is clean, natural, healthy.

Coconut briquettes are one of the processed coconut products that utilize the coconut shell as its raw material. Charcoal briquettes are solid fuels that contain carbon and have a high calorific value so they can burn for a long time. It is often used for the purposes of grilling foodstuffs such as bbq.

In addition, it is also used for shisha pipe cigarettes. Coconut charcoal briquettes have become an alternative fuel that is more environmentally friendly, safer, and can produce greater heat when compared to coal briquettes or wood briquettes.

3. RBD Coconut Oil

Snippet Banner RBD Coconut Oil

RBD Coconut Oil

  • RBD Coconut Oil has a high smoke point
  • Can withstand higher temperatures without burning or producing harmful compounds
  • Enable to achieve delightful textures and flavors in your dishes

RBD (Refined, Bleached, Deodorised) coconut oil is a refined coconut oil made from copra or desiccated coconut. Several stages of making RBD coconut oil are to extract it using high pressure, heat it, then provide additional compounds that are useful for removing the smell and taste contained in coconut oil.

With this process, it will produce the characteristics of RBD oil which looks clearer, has a bland taste and is also odorless. Besides being able to be used for cooking/processing food, RBD oil is also often used as a raw material for making soap and cosmetics

Related Article: How to Make RBD Coconut Oil? Understand the Process!

4. VCO Coconut Oil

Snippet Banner Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil

  • Virgin Coconut Oil has a fresh, delicious tropical coconut scent and flavor
  • It can be used for cosmetics, ayurvedic, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical applications, and healthy food

VCO coconut oil (Virgin Coconut Oil) is processed fresh coconut that can be consumed directly or used as cooking oil and food ingredients. It contains high lauric acid (about 50%), lower content of PFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) than other vegetable oils.

Plus it doesn’t contain trans-fatty acid, so VCO is proven to reduce cholesterol and obesity levels. Consumption of VCO also has properties to increase the body’s resistance to disease. Not only that, the good nutritional content in VCO is also used for making cosmetic products.

5. Dessicated Coconut

Snippet Banner Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated Coconut

  • Desiccated Coconut is a versatile ingredient and ideal for fillers, toppings, and ingredients, especially in baking biscuits, snack bars, cakes, cookies, and many more.
  • Our Desiccated Coconut has a sweet aroma of coconut and mild characteristics of coconut without being rancid.

Dessicated coconut is obtained from the flesh of old and fresh coconuts in very hygienic conditions which are grated into fibers. This product is white in color, and of course has a distinctive taste and smell of coconut, so it is often used as an ingredient to enhance aroma and taste in the manufacture of various types of food products.

Be it the cake processing industry, the ice cream industry, and household consumption.

Related Article: Different of Desiccated Coconut Type: High-Fat vs Low Fat

6. Coconut expeller pallet

Coconut expeller pellet is a by-product of the coconut oil extraction process which is made from coconut kernels that are squeezed by machine, dried, then mixed with other ingredients and then molded into small solid shapes.

Coconut expeller pallet has good nutritional content, especially high protein content, so it is very good to be used as raw material for animal feed.

7. Coco Fiber

Snippet Banner Coconut Fiber

Coconut Fiber

  • Coconut fiber can be used in products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes, and mattresses.
  • This material is also used for insulation and packaging.

Coco fiber is a derivative product produced from coconut fibers that have gone through a milling process to form long golden yellow or brown hair-like shapes. This product can be used for many things, from being reprocessed into ropes, doormats, mattresses, to being used to beautify ornamental plants.

8. Cocopeat Block

Other products derived from coconut coir besides cocofiber are cocopeat blocks. Cocopeat block is made from the remaining powder from the processing of coconut coir decomposition which is then molded into a cube.

This is often exploited by carbon battery manufacturers. Or in use, cocopeat blocks can also be destroyed or broken down again to be used as a planting medium that will keep the soil loose and fertile.

So, those are various types of coconut derivatives products from Indonesia. You can find the finest quality coconut derivative products at Sari Coconut, an Indonesian company that sells derivative products, including desiccated coconut. You can contact us for further information!

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