Sucanat vs Coconut Sugar: Which is Tastier and More Beneficial

Sucanat vs Coconut Sugar Which is Tastier and More Beneficial

When it comes to choosing a sweetener, the options can be overwhelming. Two popular choices in the realm of natural sweeteners are Sucanat vs Coconut Sugar. Each boasts its own set of benefits and unique flavors, but which one is tastier and more beneficial for your health?

In this article, we’ll delve into the differences between Sucanat and coconut sugar, exploring their taste profiles, nutritional content, and overall benefits. Let’s understand the nuances of these sweeteners to help you make an informed decision.

What is Sucanat?

Sucanat, short for “Sucre de canne naturel,” is a type of unrefined cane sugar. It is made by extracting juice from sugar cane, then heating and drying it to produce granules.

Unlike traditional white sugar, Sucanat retains the natural molasses content found in sugar cane, giving it a distinct brown color and a rich, caramel-like flavor.

This minimal processing helps preserve more of the vitamins and minerals present in the sugar cane, making Sucanat a popular choice among those seeking a less refined and more natural sweetener.

Differences Between Sucanat and Coconut Sugar

When comparing Sucanat and coconut sugar, both natural sweeteners offer distinct qualities that appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking alternatives to refined sugars. Here are the key differences between Sucanat and coconut sugar:

1. Source and Production

Sucanat is derived from sugar cane, where the cane juice is evaporated and crystallized with the molasses content intact. In contrast, coconut sugar is produced from the sap of coconut palm blossoms.

The sap is collected, heated to evaporate the moisture, and then granulated into sugar crystals. This difference in sources gives each sweetener a distinct flavor profile and nutritional composition.

2. Flavor Profile

Sucanat has a rich, caramel-like flavor due to its molasses content. It offers a deep sweetness with subtle hints of molasses, making it ideal for recipes that benefit from its robust taste.

Coconut sugar, on the other hand, has a milder flavor profile with notes of caramel and a hint of coconut. This makes coconut sugar a versatile sweetener that can complement a wide range of dishes without overwhelming their original flavors.

3. Usage and Applications

Sucanat and coconut sugar can be used interchangeably in recipes that call for granulated sugar. Sucanat’s stronger flavor makes it well-suited for recipes where its caramel notes can shine through, such as in cookies, brownies, and sauces.

Coconut sugar’s lighter flavor profile makes it a popular choice for beverages, baked goods, and savory dishes, where its mild sweetness can enhance without overpowering other ingredients.

4. Glycemic Index

Sucanat typically has a lower glycemic index than refined white sugar but higher than coconut sugar. This means it raises blood sugar levels more quickly than coconut sugar.

While coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index compared to both Sucanat and regular sugar. It releases glucose into the bloodstream more slowly, which may help in managing blood sugar levels.

5. Sustainability and Production

Both Sucanat and coconut sugar are considered more sustainable alternatives to refined sugar. Sucanat uses less processing and retains more natural nutrients from sugar cane, while coconut sugar is derived from a renewable source (coconut palm trees) that require minimal irrigation and pesticides.

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Organic Coconut Sugar

  • Lower glycemic index than regular sugar.
  • Contains vital minerals.
  • Providing a more nutrient-dense option than traditional sugars.

Nutritional Facts of Sucanat vs Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is often praised for its natural sweetness and perceived health benefits. A 2-teaspoon (8 gram) serving of coconut sugar typically contains around 30 calories, with no fat or sodium.

It consists of 8 grams of total carbohydrates, predominantly from sugars, amounting to 7 grams per serving. While it lacks protein, coconut sugar does provide a small amount of minerals such as potassium and iron, although the quantities are relatively modest.

In contrast, Sucanat offers a slightly different nutritional profile. It contains similar calorie content to coconut sugar but may have marginally more minerals due to the retained molasses, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

Sucanat also tends to have a lower glycemic index compared to refined sugar, potentially making it a preferable option for those monitoring blood sugar levels.

Nutritional Information Sucanat (2 tsp) Coconut Sugar
Calories 30 15
Carbohydrates 8 gram 4 gram
Sugar 7 gram 4 gram
Total Fat 0 gram 0 gram
Sodium 0 gram 0 gram

Which is Tastier and More Beneficial?

Coconut sugar is popular for its natural sweetness and health benefits. It has a lower glycemic index than regular sugars, meaning it doesn’t raise blood sugar levels as quickly. This sweetener adds a subtle caramel flavor to foods, making it great for enhancing dishes without being too strong.

It contains trace amounts of essential minerals like potassium and iron, contributing to its appeal as a more nutrient-dense sweetener choice.

Its minimal processing preserves its natural qualities, which makes it a preferred alternative for health-conscious consumers looking to manage their blood sugar levels while enjoying a more natural sweetening option.

Overall, coconut sugar stands out not only for its pleasing taste but also a versatile and beneficial addition to culinary endeavors.

Choose Natural Sweetness for a Healthier Lifestyle!

When weighing the merits of sucanat versus coconut sugar, coconut sugar emerges as a clear winner in terms of both taste and health benefits. Beyond personal use, coconut sugar’s qualities also render it valuable in the food and beverage industry.

Organic coconut sugar stands out as a superior choice for health-conscious consumers and the food industry alike.  Its natural appeal aligns with growing consumer preferences for organic and minimally processed ingredients.

With coconut sugar nutrition, it offers a healthier alternative to refined sugars, making it ideal for various culinary applications.

Sari Coconut, renowned as a leading supplier coconut from Indonesia, ensures the highest quality organic coconut sugar for global industries. Choose Sari Coconut as your trusted organic coconut sugar supplier now!


Are Sucanat and coconut sugar suitable for people with diabetes? 

Coconut sugar, with its lower glycemic index, may be a better option for managing blood sugar levels, but it should still be consumed in moderation.

Can they be used interchangeably in recipes? 

Yes, Sucanat and coconut sugar can generally be used interchangeably in recipes that call for granulated sugar, though Sucanat’s stronger flavor may alter the taste slightly.

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